Tuesday, February 28, 2006


jungle jungle

The jungle takes care of its own.
Or so they say...anyways this is not about that.

We spent two days in the wilderness
the forest was bit disappointing in the
sense that, it wasn't dense enough.

Those thickets we see on TV, or in the movies
this was nothing like that
still, twas scary at night

because it's pitch black
the sky is almost like nothing
just a black velvet blanket

the stars.......never seen so many in my entire life
its because there was no light-no electricity
no light from anywhere.. the skyline extended..

visible for miles
no building in sight to block the view
nothing in the way

the others counted constellations
marked out orion
I sent messages through the stars

and just when it got really nice and quiet,
someone yelled "forest fire" and there it was a whole wall of flaming light, bright and burning in the dark,
trees crackled, shrubs shrivelled, the fire looked small, enveloped by the darkness of the night.
We were looking for adventure, but were a bit tired as well. Still went with the flow.
walked with lanterns and torches for 20 minutes to reach the site..hot as hell.
and just hung around while the workers put out the fire, with just branches from the trees.
No weapons, no fire van, no alarm -nothing.
the whole place could have burned down and now one would have been wiser
"we can't do too much, the forest fire is a big thing, not within our control, " they said.

so all said and done.. it was exciting to say, we'd been in forest fire.
another thing to keep filed away somewhere.

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