Friday, February 24, 2006


Mating ritual

Mating ritual

aparna is ready
her aunt gets to select
the wonder boy

there is a function in the open
friendly women put their mouths
in hers and pass down tranquilizers

it calms her down
also gets her excited
she anticipates something

the guys is equally nervous
its a matriachy after all
could they be nairs from kerala?

the family of women
are very decent
they all turn their back

the mating ritual is the same
nothing has changed in many ways
both the partners lumber in lust and maybe love

the family turns around
congratulations are in Order
its time for celebrations

they yell and shout and scream
relatives are called from near and far
much rejoicing, much joy

they pass on the message
more hooting and yelling
like chain email for luck

the fat girl is now fat woman
stately and ladylike
she's all set to continue the line

aparna's mating ritual
is just like yours except
that you can't show such grace

aparna and her mate
just leave dung behind
and take their memories

you leave plastic
and garbage and
rubber..for them to stomp on.

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