Thursday, May 25, 2006


tree time.

It's really too much. First a silly neighbour cuts a tree and then I see one cut on the way home.
how can anyone want to cut a tree? I can't believe that someone would want to cut a full grown tree. It takes years to grow one. We should know.. we moved into an area that was barren. Today 15 years later its green and this goose comes along-wants to build a biggish silly house and before you know it.. the tree outside his house is cut.

We didn't even see it coming or we would have done something. They got the job done when everyone was out at work. Firstly it's illegal to cut a full grown tree, EVEN if its standing on your land. Secondly this tree was NOT on his land, it was on public property. Thirdly the goose has not taken care of it... we did all that.. we ,and the forest department for 10 years. And, he cuts it down. Where will his children play, doesn't he care. Sujay says they'll be on their computers and will play video games only-so he doesn't care.

Maybe. It's too much, how do those activists keep at it. they're fabulous man. For anyone who might wander here and is interested for anything on Trees: it's a help line for anything on trees especially for NOT cutting them.
Call the Tree Officer – BMP - 22975523 or Deputy Conservator of Forests (Bangalore Urban Div) - 23346846
OR You can also call up Enivronment Support Group (ESG) @ its helpline - 26534364 which would guide you on further action. ESG would periodically gather this evidence and follow up with the Karnataka Forest Dept. for necessary legal action.

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